Penado Kenya


Welcome to Penado!

We are open now for membership applications from interested people worldwide. Full membership commences let January 2020 at the fee of US $2.00 to cover administration.

As in other social networks members will be able to set up groups providing they come within our menu categories or of charitable interest.

Membership Services

  • Discounted Flights and Holidays for individuals and family groups
  • Discounted Travel Insurance
  • Private expedition (10 persons+) logistics
  • Interaction with nationals of venue Countries

All the tours on our website are existing programmes and run by qualified locals. They are suggestions only and would be active for groups of ten plus. The exceptions are Extreme Challenges which need participants to acquire sponsorship and represent an established charity or self-help group. On these programmes, all the groundwork is by local operators aided by volunteer nurses, doctors, cooks and specialised Penado personnel.

National Offices
In any country where there is sufficient support, autonomous National Offices will be set up providing National or Regional weekly programmes on individual websites, to which all members will have access and can be used even when on holiday in a different location.

Our Administration Office in Lviv/Lvov, Ukraine other than legalities and finances is there to be of service to you the member! It is the membership which suggests activities, tours and other programmes.